Such courses are worth launching for those entrepreneurs who have already built a successful business in this segment, and have opened at least one salon. In addition to communicating with students, this activity will motivate you to learn new techniques, practice them and pass on your experience.

The duration of such courses is on average 1 – 2 months, it all depends on the intensity of the classes. At the end of the training, you can issue certificates for graduates.

To officially work your school will need to issue all the necessary documents and permits.

To properly execute all documents we recommend contacting an experienced lawyer. You will pay for his services, but it will avoid fines in the future.

Finding a room
For the school of manicure need to look for space not on the most thoroughfares, here the main thing – it is to save on rent. Inside the room should be a minimum of cosmetic repairs, and your task is to maintain there constant cleanliness. Also, if you are the owner of the studio manicure, you can hold classes at its base, and thus raise the income from your business.

The area of the room is calculated on the basis of the number of training places. Usually it is 3 – 6 students for which you need to allocate 5 – 6 sq.m. each. That is, the room for training should be an area of 15 to 40 square meters. There are also options for individual classes with students, then one workplace is enough.

If we talk about the list of what you need to open a manicure school, it can be divided into two categories.


nail table – $200 – $250
Chair for a client and a master – $155. The main thing is that the chairs were comfortable. as the average duration of the procedure is 1 – 2 hours.
Manicure machine – $60 – $200
Lamp for nail extensions and nail polish drying – from $40
Manicure kit (tweezers, night knife, file, scraper, scraper, tweezers, buff) – from $50.
Sterilizer (quartz) – $180 – $200

In total, you will need $ 600 – $ 700 for one workplace. It should be noted that for courses you can look for used furniture and equipment, in which case the amount would be reduced by half to $ 300 – $ 350. But if you care about reputation and quality, we recommend buying new equipment, it will pay off and will bring you money in the future.

From consumables will be needed: nail polish, tips, creams, nail care materials, etc.

Why is important to the teaching staff of your school? From the ease of delivery of information and the effectiveness of the teacher, will depend on the level of knowledge of graduates, which directly affects the reputation of your training center.

We recommend that you conduct the courses yourself, but if you still want to delegate the process, then look for a communicative master who can deliver the information, and most importantly – is to show in practice how to do everything right. Resilience to stress, also an important characteristic of the candidate for this position.

As a teacher for manicure courses, you can attract employees of your salon who want to increase their level of income.

Like any business, the promotion of manicure training service requires time and financial investment.

The main channels for attracting customers will be:

Social networks and paid advertising campaigns for the target audience. Of the social networks can be distinguished: Instagram and Facebook.
Distribution of flyers near your center or studio.
ads on online boards sorted by your region.
contextual advertising.
A lot of female clients will come to you from personal recommendations, that’s assuming the graduates are happy with the level of knowledge and practical skills gained.

Conclusions. Manicure training – this is a great extra income for salons already working in this direction. In addition to the money, you will get the opportunity to employ the best graduates.